Without motivating staff an entity risks incurring many hidden losses

Unknown to some outdated and out of touch employers, failing to motivate members of staff risks their entities incurring many regrettable losses and expenses later.  It demoralises members of staff and kills their initiative to work. It also kills their initiative to become innovative and unnecessarily raises hidden bitterness in them in the form of a brewing vendetta.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Unknown to some outdated and out of touch employers, failing to motivate members of staff risks their entities incurring many regrettable losses and expenses later. 

It demoralises members of staff and kills their initiative to work. It also kills their initiative to become innovative and unnecessarily raises hidden bitterness in them in the form of a brewing vendetta.

Economic hardship forces some of them to improvise the wrong way such that some start stealing from their employer where otherwise they would not do so. By connivance some start making false claims of official trips, they have not made. Likewise, some start claiming being paid overtime that they have not worked.

Some start collaborating with outsiders to submit invoices for payment for services not provided or for items not supplied or delivered and share the proceeds later with the fake suppliers when payment is made to them.

Some employees may alternatively opt to coming to work for the sake of their names appearing in the Staff Attendance Register but spend the working days doing little or no work.

All they want is for their names to appear in the Attendance Register to qualify being paid the little salary at the end of the month. In which case, the employer pays them for being present, not for work done.

The majority of them spend most of their time looking for better jobs elsewhere. Some spend it looking for their employer’s downfall. In this way, an employer incurs more than twice as much as he/she would have paid staff in motivation.

Regrettable losses include disgruntled employees causing expensive assets to disappear. It also includes the possibility of them diverting business to a rival or competitor for a commission.

When members of staff are motivated they feel the love and urge to work hard for it and unreservedly protect its interests. The opposite takes place when they are not motivated. They continue being there for the sake of it because of not having a better place to go to or a better employer to engage them.

Motivation of staff covers the aspect of their employer, first and foremost, using a management style that appreciates and respects them; listens to them; uses a bottom up approach in planning instead of a top down one; staff recruitment, promotion and termination are done in a fair and transparent manner; conditions of employment, including job specifications, salary scales or grades are clearly documented in an appropriate Employment Manual and communicated to all by the best cost effective means; an entity’s organisation structure is documented and displayed on all staff and departmental heads’ notice boards; members of staff are involved in decision making of matters affecting their welfare; tea and lunch are provided to all without exception or an allowance in lieu is paid; staff suggestions and recommendations are valued; intended radical changes are explained before they occur and even when they occur; complaints are attended to quickly and amicable solutions found; a viable number of staff is emplo
yed whom it pays and looks after well contrary to employing many who are poorly remunerated; a clear career development plan is provided; staff training on the job is a right to all members of staff; health and safety of staff and clients or customers are ensured; medical insurance is provided for the member of staff, spouse and at least three of their children under 23 years of age when they are bound to be graduating from University to become independent; lunch and housing allowance are provided; annual leave is provided without postponement since it affects the concerned member of staff’s welfare; maternity leave with pay is provided according to the country’s laws; where possible paternal leave with pay is also provided; terminal benefits are provided to all qualifying members of staff; salaries, wages, overtime, other allowances and terminal benefits are paid promptly.

Modern staff motivation considers members of staff to be equal partners with the employer. On the contrary, old fashioned management treated them as underdogs, on the receiving end to accept whatever terms of employment they are offered or leave if they do not accept. Members of staff should indeed be listened to and be treated with care since disregarding and mistreating them would be similar to killing the chicken that lays the eggs or refusing to give fodder and water to the only cow in the home expected to produce milk when milked.

By Dale Mutabiirwa