Health: Complications of high blood pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension  is  one of the diseases which is growing as epidemic all over the world. Before it was restricted to developed countries and affluent societies but is now affecting the underdeveloped countries and also the weaker sections of the society.It is not only the elderly, but also the younger people who are getting high blood pressure. Long standing high blood pressure or uncontrolled high blood pressure damages various parts of the body.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

High blood pressure or hypertension  is  one of the diseases which is growing as epidemic all over the world. Before it was restricted to developed countries and affluent societies but is now affecting the underdeveloped countries and also the weaker sections of the society.

It is not only the elderly, but also the younger people who are getting high blood pressure. Long standing high blood pressure or uncontrolled high blood pressure damages various parts of the body.

Therefore it is important for people be aware about hypertension. If they have been diagnosed to be having high blood pressure, they should adhere to the prescribed   dietary restrictions and medicines very well to avoid complications.

High blood pressure simply   means  that the blood flowing  through the blood vessels is flowing  at a higher than normal pressure  i.e. more than 140/90mm.Hg.

Heart is one of the prime organs to be damaged by constant   high blood pressure. Blood flowing at a higher pressure   puts a strain on the heart, as the heart has to pump with greater force to push   blood in the body. This leads to enlargement of the left ventricle (main chamber of the heart which provides fresh  blood to the entire body). Over time, due to the stress imposed, this chamber becomes sluggish and starts failing. Gradually this left ventricular failure disturbs the functioning of the entire heart and chronic heart failure is started.

Hypertension is one of the   strong risk factors for ischemic heart disease and heart attacks. Greater is the blood pressure and longer the duration of uncontrolled hypertension, greater are the chances of the person to develop a heart attack. Uncontrolled hypertension also augments the risk of developing   potentially fatal cerebral hemorrhage (bleeding from vessels of the brain) causing paralysis of various body parts. This happens due to bursting of the small or large arteries in the brain, under great pressure.

Similarly bleeding can occur in the retina of the eye leading to sudden blindness. Apart from this, chronic high blood pressure causes damage to the retina of the eye which results in visual disturbances. The affected person sees spots and colored halos in front of the eyes.  Unless the blood pressure is suitably controlled, correcting this defect by suitable eye glasses also becomes difficult. 

Kidneys are yet another vital part of the body to be damaged by high blood pressure over time. Thus a person having high blood pressure is prone to develop chronic renal failure. Once this starts, the condition is irreversible. Only thing which can be done is preventing its further progression by good control of high blood pressure.

Due to constant pressure on the blood vessels of the body due to high blood pressure, vessels supplying blood to the limbs also get damaged. Lowe limbs are more affected than the upper ones. This results in pain of the limbs on movement.  Typically one feels cramp like pain on walking, which stops when the person stops. On resuming walking, the pain recurs.  Cold sensation, loss of hair and other signs of reduced blood supply also   occur on affected part.

Thus it can be seen that uncontrolled high blood pressure damages the body in multiple ways and affects the quality of life. Unfortunately people realize this only when it is too late. Due to ignorance or carelessness people  do not comply with suitable dietary measures for hypertension.

They continue to take alcohol and or tobacco, both of which are risk factors for aggravating hypertension. Similarly compliance with medicines also remains poor, thus affecting good adequate control.

These complications can be very well prevented if people are aware of them and vigilant about the symptoms. Health personnel do their bit in informing and educating people. At the community level, educated people can help their poor, uneducated fellow men by helping them to understand about hypertension and the importance of good control.

These measures will not only help individuals to have a good quality of life but will also help the productivity of the society as whole.