Aunt’s corner

Dear Aunt Silvia,I am a 29 year old young man, not yet married and was recently diagnosed with high blood pressure and diabetes. Due to this condition I have realised that I cannot fully arise to the occasion and I am very worried that I might end up completely dysfunctional if am not careful. What do I do? Eugene.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Dear Aunt Silvia,I am a 29 year old young man, not yet married and was recently diagnosed with high blood pressure and diabetes. Due to this condition I have realised that I cannot fully arise to the occasion and I am very worried that I might end up completely dysfunctional if am not careful. What do I do?

Dear Eugene,

In 90% of people with hypertension, the cause of high blood pressure is not known and is referred to as primary or essential hypertension. While the specific cause is unknown, there are risk factors that can contribute to developing high blood pressure, just the same as diabetes.

These factors may include family history, race, gender and obesity among other things. Unless your family has a history of these two diseases then you need to change your lifestyle, since you do not feature anywhere in the age factor because you are still very young.

Controlling these two diseases can be easy for you because of your age. Your lifestyle needs to change completely so that you can be on the look out of these two diseases not to destroy your manhood for good. Due to the HBP and diabetes you are currently experiencing an erectile dysfunction. There are other various underlying causes when a man experiences erectile dysfunction-, but in your case the high blood pressure and the diabetes are the main contributing factors that lead to this temporary state, but lucky enough it is medically treatable.

Erectile dysfunction, is tied closely to cultural notions of potency, success and masculinity, it can have devastating psychological consequences including feelings of shame, loss or inadequacy; often unnecessary since in most cases the matter can be helped.

It is good that you have realized your problem when it is still in its early stages, which means you need to go and see your doctor and explaining in details what you are feeling so that you can be helped the soonest.

Be optimistic that all will be well with you, the sooner you see your doctors the better. Follow the advice of your doctors religiously concerning how to control the high blood pressure and diabetes, so that you can enjoy your life to the fullest.
