Living life: Be who not what you are

Who we are - is the legacy and reputation that we build and that which survives our last breath. What defines you? Is it your name, your family origin, your social standing or the car you drive? Many a poor people have risen from humble beginnings to lavish lives only to quickly throw out their humility of their background for the arrogance of their new found affluence. Others who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths will rather their family money define who they are.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Who we are - is the legacy and
reputation that we build and that which survives our last breath.

What defines you? Is it your name, your family origin, your social standing or the car you drive?

Many a poor people have risen from humble beginnings to lavish lives only to quickly throw out their humility of their background for the arrogance of their new found affluence. Others who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths will rather their family money define who they are.

Those who never make it big sometimes are too ashamed to be themselves and spend all their time trying to masquerade as others or pretend to be who they are not, most of the time with drastic consequences for the window dressing job.

It is nice to drive a nice car, live in a huge mansion or lavish condo, marry a beautiful wife or handsome man, go to the most prestigious universities or enjoy any other privilege that comes with the ability to spend freely.  Remember for starters that is not a crime to be wealthy.  If anything it should be an end of well deserved efforts of family or the self.

However, all the money in the world can only define what we are? We can use money to make our lives, those of our family, friends, neighbors or total strangers better but money cannot change who we are.

Who we are is what they will remember of us when we pass on. What we are can afford us the most expensive funeral man can buy but that it just that a funeral – an end to a life.

One should define themselves by the values they believe in and stand for, the principles that guide their existence, the faith that they profess and the example that they portray. A sensible man will not behave differently because they now have more money or less money.

Who we are - is the legacy and reputation that we build and that which survives our last breath. What we are the positions, the material belongings, the relationships we build on the strength of what we own and the like.

Make no mistake, man should aspire for greatness. Man should strive to be a man of means. Good values can go hand in hand with lots of wealth.

It is not hat rich men must be nasty in behavior, and trod down on the vulnerable. There is such a thing as richness in materials things s well as at heart. Money must not alter your values, instead it should be a tool for demonstration those values.

What you are comes and goes, but who you are remains eternally.

I wish you a self defining Sunday!