Perfect weekend…Leonard Kananira

Leonard Kananira is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Lemigo hotel, one of the best and newest hotels in Kigali. Kananira is married and he says he is a happy man attributing it to the Almighty together with what he calls his good family. Below is how he spends his weekend;My weekend starts on Saturday at around 5, and I straight away go for sports. I do different forms of sport which include jogging, gym fitness and swimming.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Leonard Kananira is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Lemigo hotel, one of the best and newest hotels in Kigali. Kananira is married and he says he is a happy man attributing it to the Almighty together with what he calls his good family.

Below is how he spends his weekend;My weekend starts on Saturday at around 5, and I straight away go for sports. I do different forms of sport which include jogging, gym fitness and swimming.

I spend the evening with my family. On Sunday, with my family, I go to Saint Michael church in Kiyovu. By 11, I am at Lemigo hotel where we all have lunch.

I normally enjoy chicken, fish and African meals. Matooke is my favourite dish. After lunch, I rest for about an hour or two.

However, I am always happiest interacting with my family.

This is the time I hear from them and exchange ideas on a wide range of issues. I also get time to flash back on what I have managed to achieve as I also plan for what should be done the following week.

I sometimes get home at around 8, have a bath and relax in the sitting room. Soup severs as supper for me. I make sure I say a good night prayer before getting to bed at 10p.m.

That makes my weekend perfect

Photo G. Mugoya