Stakeholders to discuss disaster management

The National Disasters Steering Committee (NDSC) will convene next week to discuss possible mechanisms of how disasters can be better managed and seek quick recovery mechanisms for disaster victims. This was revealed by Capt Jean Damascene Kayitana, acting Permanent Secretary in Ministry of Disaster Preparedness and Refugee Affairs, during an interview.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The National Disasters Steering Committee (NDSC) will convene next week to discuss possible mechanisms of how disasters can be better managed and seek quick recovery mechanisms for disaster victims.

This was revealed by Capt Jean Damascene Kayitana, acting Permanent Secretary in Ministry of Disaster Preparedness and Refugee Affairs, during an interview.

Kayitana observed that heavy rains led to disasters across the country, adding that concerted efforts are required to set up strategies to combat them.

"Rain continues to affect citizens in various parts of the country, many are displaced, and property destroyed. We will come up with mechanisms of dealing with such problems and rally support for the victims,” he said.
The rains mainly affected the Western and Eastern Provinces.

He pointed out that the ministry deployed its employees to carry out assessment in the affected areas to ascertain the exact number of affected people and devastated property for proper planning.

He added that after the meeting, the Disaster Management Task Force (DMTF) comprising of experts and other stakeholders will meet to mobilize funds for affected victims.

During the interview, Kayitana also revealed that plans are underway to establish a National Disaster Management Centre.
