Rusesabagina admits connections to Fdlr and gang of four

KIGALI - Paul Rusesabagina, the self-styled hero of the movie “Hotel Rwanda” and alleged humanitarian has finally admitted his connections to the FDLR, the terrorist organization based in the DRC.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

KIGALI - Paul Rusesabagina, the self-styled hero of the movie "Hotel Rwanda” and alleged humanitarian has finally admitted his connections to the FDLR, the terrorist organization based in the DRC.

Speaking to students and members of the public at the Student Union at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, Rusesabagina revealed that he has met with Gahima and his half brother Rudasingwa, and the three are working closely to bring down the regime in Kigali.

While denying ever meeting Nyamwasa and Karegyeya, the other two fugitives from justice, Rusesabagina revealed that they are in close contact by telephone. As he has done every time he gets a chance, he made a point of mentioning that the four men, all Tutsi, are in agreement with him about seeking the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Rwanda.

Addressing over 500 students at the University of Central Florida, as well as members of the public, Rusesabagina repeatedly called the FDLR a "Rwandese liberation movement” seeking to bring about change in Rwanda.

While denying that he supports the FDLR financially, Rusesabagina admitted that he has only wired $900 to Tanzania, but challenged those with evidence of his support for the terrorist organization to come forward.

As he strolled on to the speaking podium, Rusesabagina looked dazed and unsure of himself. Dressed in an expensive but ill-fitting suit, Rusesabagina made a spectacle of himself when he alleged that genocide is still going on in Rwanda. He also made allegations that Rwanda continues to wage war against the DRC, never mentioning the presence of Interahamwe in Eastern Congo.

As he usually does on all his speaking engagements, Rusesabagina blamed the 1994 Rwanda genocide on the RPF. Never once mentioning the pre-planning of the genocide before Habyarimana’s plane was shot down, Rusesabagina stated that the exodus of Hutus fleeing from the RPF liberated zones resulted in the mass killings.

Commenting on the 1959 genocide of the Tutsi that he called a "Hutu revolution”, Rusesabagina stated that it was "not very well done”, implying that had it been done with precession the 1994 genocide would not have taken place. 
Rusesabagina’s true colors became evident when he noticed the presence of members of the Rwandese community in the Diaspora. As he has been known to do, Rusesabagina changes his message whenever there are Rwandans in the audience, but he was taken unaware this time hoping there were no Rwandans in Orlando.

At question and answer time, Rusesabagina became tongue-tied and dry lipped when he was asked why no survivors have come forward to corroborate his acts of heroism. As he rambled on and circumvented the question, Rusesabagina stated that because of government intimidation no survivors are willing to attest to his good deeds.

Asked why he is only a hero in America, fantasized by the myths of Hollywood, Rusesabagina denied that he has ever called himself a hero. But at the same time he has not discouraged his ill-informed admirers from calling him one.

At the conclusion of his speech, Rusesabagina found himself all alone waiting for the few people that bought his book, "An Ordinary Man” to get his signature. Most of the crowd gathered around members of the Rwanda Diaspora to get disabused of the lies and historical distortions Rusesabagina has been spreading against his country. It was a moment to behold.
