PSD holds elections in Ngoma District

Eastern province KIBUNGO — The Social Democratic Party (PSD) yesterday held elections in Ngoma district for its president and the entire committee.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Eastern province

KIBUNGO — The Social Democratic Party (PSD) yesterday held elections in Ngoma district for its president and the entire committee.

 Speaking to over 50 party members from the district who had turned up to vote, the vice speaker of the parliament who also presided over the elections, Yvonne Uwayisenga urged the elected leaders to follow the laws that govern the party and the real reason of the party.

 She further urged them to follow the law that governs political parties in the country, adding that political parties will operate from all parts of the country.

 "But you should not indulge in what caused the 1994 massacre, and you should always endeavour to work together with other political parties to build the country,” said Uwayisenga.

 "You should do everything in peace and whoever does wrong will be punished on his or her own because it’s not the party that will have sent that person to do so,” she added.

 Michelle Rusobe retained his seat as president, out-competing his counterpart who had put him on pressure that made the voters re-vote after both candidates got the same number of ballots.

 This brought chaos that took almost 20 minutes before the votes were cast again. On the post of good governance, Theoneste Gambaniro won the position whereas Grace Narame, Prosper Sekabahiga and Illumine Nacyirutimana were elected on the disciplinary committee.

 The party called five of its members from each sector in the whole district that has 14 sectors to come and vote.

 The party that started in 1991 is currently headed by Dr. Vincent Biruta who is also the president of the senate and the party president at the national level.

 Similar elections were also held in Rwamagana, Kayonza and Gatsibo. Elections for Bugesera and Kirehe will be held on September 1, while on September 9 similar elections will take place in Nyagatare.
