HIV/Aids cases in prisons on the decrease

KIGALI - The number of HIV/Aids cases among inmates has dropped drastically, the Commissioner General of Prisons said yesterday.

Friday, February 18, 2011
A group of inmates attaending a sensitization session (File Photo)

KIGALI - The number of HIV/Aids cases among inmates has dropped drastically, the Commissioner General of Prisons said yesterday.

Mary Gahonzire, attributes the fall in HIV cases to the massive awareness campaign that have been carried out in the prisons.

"Prisoners and prison staff were sensitised about the virus and ways to prevent its transmission, with special reference to the likely risks of transmission within prisons,” she said.

Gahonzire further explained that good prison conditions, such as access to clean water and ventilation, as well as good facilities for personal hygiene offered an ideal environment to those infected.

According to Dr. Anita Asiimwe, the Executive Secretary of National Aids Control Commission (CNLS), follow up is made on infected prisoners after they have been released.
"Inmates receive treatment from prisons and when they are released, we link them to the health centre in their area of residence where they continue getting treatment,” she said.

Dr. Asiimwe added that CNLS pays particular attention to prisoners because they are most at risk.

Pelly Uwera Gakwaya the Director of Remera Prison said, the preventive programmes work well at the prison.

"HIV/AIDS among prisoners in Remera Prison has declined and we are continuing to fight it. We have also improved the healthcare and welfare of the inmates,” She said.
