Do not doubt God’s promises

SUNDAY SERMON - According to the law, a person who breaks the law may claim leniency from the courts if he is a first offender. The courts may even release the offender on account of what they call mitigating circumstances.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

SUNDAY SERMON - According to the law, a person who breaks the law may claim leniency from the courts if he is a first offender. The courts may even release the offender on account of what they call mitigating circumstances.

A second offender may not fare as well as the first offender. Being a third offender will automatically confine the offending party to jail as judged.

There is a story about three judges who were caught by police for drinking alcohol after closing hours. During the court session, the judges agreed that the first judge would appear before the second judge and would be acquitted.

The judge appearing second would also be acquitted. But when the last one appeared before the first judge, he was fined three hundred dollars.

When he protested in court, the first judge said: "this calls for a deterrent penalty because today we have had two other similar cases.”

Our God is not true type to say one thing and mean another. We have a faithful God whose promises are true and firm. When God promises to uplift you to a higher level, nothing under the sun can make him change his mind.

God does not look at the physical condition of a person to fulfil his promise. He does not look at your living conditions. Regardless of whether you live in a ten-bedroom house or a half-a-bedroom house, God will keep his promises.

People often do not believe God’s promises. They pray the same prayers, ask the same questions. When God says that he will forgive your sins if you come to him, you need to believe him.

Go to him and plead your case and walk away believing that you have been forgiven. Do not confess the same sins you confessed last year.

God has already forgiven you. We read in Psalms 86:15: "But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.” Yes, God abounds in faithfulness and love.

To illustrate this point, consider this situation; when a rich man gives you a cheque of one million dollars to cash at the bank, you present the cheque to the cashier, he verifies that it is really the signature of the rich man, then he prepares to pay you.

The cheque represents a promise and it will be fulfilled. We read in Job 8:5–6: "But if you will look to God and plead with the Almighty, if you are pure and upright, even now he will arouse himself on your behalf and restore you to your rightful place.”

A mere look to God, just a gaze upon the Lord, will make him "arouse himself on your behalf and restore you to your rightful place.”

Can you imagine God stopping what he was doing to attend personally to your problems? And, when God moves, no other movement matters.

When God says yes, nobody can say no. He will not only defeat your enemies, rectify your situation, get you out of trouble, shame your detractors, but he will restore you to your rightful place.

God’s first offer to you is forgiveness whatever you have done. He has promised to forgive you your sins and his promises are true and sure.

I pray God to open your eyes so that you can realise the full weight of God’s promises which are contained in the Bible. Search for God’s promises and realize that the promises are for you.
