Accountability should be embraced by all and sundry

Editor, I must state that I was moved by the Dutch  Minister’s visit this week. Ben Knapen the  Secretary for European affairs and International Cooperation Minister, toured the projects funded by his government under the Common Development Fund (CDF) in the Northern Province.

Thursday, February 17, 2011
The visiting Dutch Minister, Dr. Ben Knapen, chats with community leaders from Gicumbi district during his tour of the Dutch funded projects in the Northern Province on Wednesday.(File Photo)


I must state that I was moved by the Dutch  Minister’s visit this week. Ben Knapen the  Secretary for European affairs and International Cooperation Minister, toured the projects funded by his government under the Common Development Fund (CDF) in the Northern Province.

The visit is necessary because that is one of the  ways the funders would know whether their funds are making a difference in communities. It is also good for accountability purposes. I am not also surprised that Knapen was impressed by the activities on the ground because Rwanda’s record on putting to good use donors and, indeed, taxpayers’ money, is well documented.

While it’s important that willing foreign partners continue to provide us with support in our campaign against poverty and to move forward economically, it is equally vital for them to come around and ascertain, for themselves, whether their financial assistance gets to the intended beneficiaries, and, whether it’s making a difference.

And, by doing so, donor governments will be in a better position to give accountability reports to their own taxpayers.

Eugene Bishumba