MP arrested for battering 12-year old brother

KIGALI- Police have arrested a Member of Parliament,  Alexandre Ashinzwuwera, for allegedly beating up his 12 years brother.

Thursday, February 17, 2011
Arrested MP Alexandre Ashinzwuwera

KIGALI- Police have arrested a Member of Parliament,  Alexandre Ashinzwuwera, for allegedly beating up his 12 years brother.

"We were alerted by Ashinzwuwera’s neighbour who complained that the lawmaker had seriously battered the boy into coma,” said the police spokesman, Theos Badege.

According the police, upon getting the information about the assault, the boy was rushed to hospital while the Police presented evidence to prosecution so that the Prosecutor can request for the lifting of Ashinzwuwera’s parliamentary immunity.

"We arrested him immediately after his immunity was lifted,” Badege said.

The Deputy Speaker of Parliament in Charge of administrative affairs, Dr. Jean Damascene Ntawukuriryayo, confirmed that the parliament lifted Ashinzwuwera’s immunity.

 "We received a letter from the prosecution detailing reasons why they wanted his immunity to be lifted; the parliament voted in favour of the proposal,” said Ntawukuriryayo.

According to the law, an MP can only be investigated or arrested after his or her immunity is lifted.

Ntawukuriryayo, however, added that there was little chance of Ashinzwuwera returning to parliament.

"If he is found guilty, he will automatically lose his seat,” he said.
