Woman stabbed, in critical condition

Western Province A woman who was stabbed and battered by a co-wife is admitted to Kibuye hospital in critical condition.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Western Province

A woman who was stabbed and battered by a co-wife is admitted to Kibuye hospital in critical condition.

Chantal Nyiramafaranga was on Saturday attacked by her co-wife Lucy Mukamusoni.

 Mukamusoni, with her husband’s support, is accused of stabbing Nyiramafaranga with a sharp knife in the back as well as the left jaw just next to the eye.

"Since the knife penetrated through the vein, it’s hard for such a wound to recover fast.

 We are planning to changing her medication and if it fails she will be given a transfer to Kigali,” said Zabron, a medical officer at Kibuye hospital.

The suspects are still at large.
