Ministry intervenes in UTEXRWA labour row

The Ministry of Public Service and Labour is mediating in the dispute between textile firm, UTEXRWA, and its employees. The conflict is over alleged poor working conditions. Over 500 workers on Monday went on strike, citing lack of communication with the management under the leadership of Trivets Deepak.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Gasabo District Executive Secretary Ibrahim Ndagijimana talking to UTEXRWA employees on Monday as the company Chief Trivedi Deepak (R) looks on. (Photo J Mbanda)

The Ministry of Public Service and Labour is mediating in the dispute between textile firm, UTEXRWA, and its employees.

The conflict is over alleged poor working conditions.
Over 500 workers on Monday went on strike, citing lack of communication with the management under the leadership of Trivets Deepak.

He has been at the helm of the company for less than three months. 

The employees allege that the management dismissed several employees for unknown reasons. Low salaries and reducing the employees’ benefits is another bone of contention.

When contacted, Anna Mugabo, the Director General of Labour and Employment in the ministry, said they are close to an agreement with the firm over how to settle the matter.

"We want to find out whether the firm sacked its employees in accordance with the labour law. We are requesting management to give us the company’s status since 2005. One does not just dismiss employees on unclear grounds,” said Mugabo in an interview The New Times.

Article 120 of the Labour Code grants employees freedom of opinion.According to Mugabo, the company director, is contradicting himself.

" He wants to reduce the company’s expenses saying that the company’s wage bill was 30 percent, on the other hand he says some employees are undisciplined,” explained Mugabo.

She added that the dismissed employees will have to be compensated if foul play is involved.

Reliable sources inside the factory, say that since the arrival of Deepak, 33 employees have been dismissed.
When contacted the company director, refused to comment on the issue.
