Heavy rains destroy crops and property in Bugesera

NYAMATA - Residents of Nyamata sector, Bugesera District were left homeless after a heavy downpour, over the weekend, destroyed their homes and property worth millions of francs. Speaking to The New Times, the Nyamata sector Executive Secretary, Jean-Marie Vianney Murenz, said that his sector was the most affected with the loss estimated at Rwf23 million.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

NYAMATA  - Residents of Nyamata sector, Bugesera District were left homeless after a heavy downpour, over the weekend, destroyed their homes and property worth millions of francs.

Speaking to The New Times, the Nyamata sector Executive Secretary, Jean-Marie Vianney Murenz, said that his sector was the most affected with the loss estimated at Rwf23 million.

"The heavy rains which were accompanied by strong winds and hailstones swept away many roofs and destroyed crops, especially banana plantations,” he explained.

Murenzi said that efforts are underway to assist the victims who are currently sheltered by their neighbours. The district administration held a meeting with military and police officials to discuss how they can offer more support.
He added that the sector was in consultations with various banks, cooperatives and NGOs operating in the area, to raise emergency funds for the victims.
A damage report was sent to the Ministry of Disaster Preparedness.

"At the moment, we are helping the victims through collective communal efforts, "Umuganda, to renovate the destroyed houses,” said Musenyi Cell Executive Secretary, Charles Nsengiyumva , adding that in his area alone, 15 houses were affected.
