Bad weather affects voter turn up

KARONGI - The second day of voting in the Western Province for both women and disabled representatives was characterized by low voter turn-up due to bad weather conditions in most of the afternoon hours.National Electoral Commission (NEC) said the turn out could have been better had it not been the heavy downpour that preceded the exercise.

Monday, February 14, 2011

KARONGI - The second day of voting in the Western Province for both women and disabled representatives was characterized by low voter turn-up due to bad weather conditions in most of the afternoon hours.

National Electoral Commission (NEC) said the turn out could have been better had it not been the heavy downpour that preceded the exercise.

"Yes, it’s true there were problems because of the rain that showered most parts of the region and most polling sites did not finish on time,” Jason Mukeshimana, the NEC official in charge of Karongi and Rutsiro districts, said

He observed that, despite the setback, most polling stations had recorded at least 50% of the stipulated voters by the end of the day.

Most residents who spoke to The New Times said they are fully committed to participate in the election of their leaders.

"We are fully aware that it is important to for us to choose our own leaders because it helps us if we select responsible citizens to lead us,” Claudine Nyirahabimana, one of the residents, said.
