Bosenibamwe cautions local leaders on Nyakatsi

GICUMBI- Northern Province Governor Aime Bosenibamwe has cautioned Cell, Sector and Gicumbi District leaders against frustrating the anti-thatched houses drive.He made the remarks on Monday, while addressing local leaders drawn from  Gicumbi at the district conference hall.

Monday, February 14, 2011
Bosenibamwe cautions local leaders on Nyakatsi (Photo / A. Gahene)

GICUMBI- Northern Province Governor Aime Bosenibamwe has cautioned Cell, Sector and Gicumbi District leaders against frustrating the anti-thatched houses drive.

He made the remarks on Monday, while addressing local leaders drawn from  Gicumbi at the district conference hall.

"Gicumbi District is still lagging behind in the eradication of thatched houses (Nyakatsi) compared to other four districts of the province,” noted Bosenibamwe.

"Those local leaders who shall be found frustrating the anti-Nyakatsi program me shall face harsh disciplinary measures,” he warned.

The Governor asked local leaders to mobilize residents in their respective sectors, to start by eliminating all secondary structures such as kitchens, toilets and cowsheds which are thatched, ahead of the March deadline.

The acting Mayor and District Executive Secretary, Sinese Museveni urged Sector executive secretaries to make regular reports on the progress of the modern housing project.

"The regular anti-Nyakatsi campaign reports shall enable district technical teams identify sectors that require urgent material support,” said Museveni.

In a presentation made by the District land officer, Emille Nyakagabo, a total of 842 houses have, so far, been built out of 5,033 needed in the entire district.

"Most of the sector executive secretaries have cited compensation constraints arising out of dues  to land owners before acquiring of plots for the project posing a major challenge in the anti- Nyakatsi drive,” said Nyakagabo.

He hailed residents of Nyamiyaga, Byumba and Nyankenke for forming anti-Nyakatsi associations.

Nyamiyaga Sector residents’ anti-Nyakatsi association has, so far, managed to collect over Rwf500,000, while Byumba Sector collected over Rwf200, 000, according to Nyakagabo.
