Women, disabled elect representatives

Hundreds of young and elderly women, yesterday, turned up to elect their grassroots representatives at various polling stations in the Eastern Province. At least seven women will be elected from village (Mudugudu) up to the national level while people with disabilities will start from the cell level.

Monday, February 14, 2011
Women listen to electoral guidelines from NEC officials.(Photo S. Rwembeho)

Hundreds of young and elderly women, yesterday, turned up to elect their grassroots representatives at various polling stations in the Eastern Province.

At least seven women will be elected from village (Mudugudu) up to the national level while people with disabilities will start from the cell level.

Colletha Mutungi, 64, one of the elderly voters said it is important for women to participate in leadership roles.
"I am convinced that as a woman I have an obligation to send the right women to decision making bodies, including the Parliament,” she said.

"We woke up early to elect the best amongst ourselves.”
Savelina Mujawayezu, a cell leader in Rwamagana District, noted that women are more knowledgeable about the problems faced by the society and are capable of constructively contributing to national development.

"When you visit any polling station on any election day, one can clearly see that most voters are women. They make a powerful statement with their vote,” he said.
Meanwhile, representatives of the disabled were also elected in a smooth exercise.

Charles Munyanyiko, one of the contestants hailed the government for recognising the rights of people with disabilities.

Frank Kayiranga the coordinator of National Electoral Commission (NEC) said the elections went on smoothly in all districts of the Province.
