Heads of State to decide on regional tax body

KIGALI-The summit of regional Heads of State that is slated for April 19 will decide on the establishment of the East African Community Customs Union Authority.This was disclosed by Robert Ssali, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of East African Affairs, a phone interview yesterday.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

KIGALI-The summit of regional Heads of State that is slated for April 19 will decide on the establishment of the East African Community Customs Union Authority.

This was disclosed by Robert Ssali, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of East African Affairs, a phone interview yesterday.

"The establishment of a regional customs union is very important because it will be the centre of collection of revenue, but we don’t need to rush into it; the summit of Heads of State  will decide with their wisdom how this body will be established,” said Ssali.

Once the regional custom body is established, it means that if tax is collected at the point of entry, imported goods will have to move up to their final destination without stopping at national border points for customs charges.

Among other issues on the agenda will be the appointing of a new EAC Secretary General.
