General Body Signs-Indicators of Health

Usually when we see a person for the first time, we get an apparent impression of his overall health and state of well being. Some signs are very gross and visible easily, like obesity shows   that a person is fond of good food and not doing enough exercise. Similarly somebody having   dirty finger nails can show that the individual concerned has no time to clean his nails or maybe not bothered about it.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Usually when we see a person for the first time, we get an apparent impression of his overall health and state of well being. Some signs are very gross and visible easily, like obesity shows   that a person is fond of good food and not doing enough exercise.

Similarly somebody having   dirty finger nails can show that the individual concerned has no time to clean his nails or maybe not bothered about it.

But apart from these there are many signs in the body, which even a lay man, can observe and know that something is wrong with the general health of the individual.

Having some basic knowledge of these signs, he can also assess as to which part of the body is under trouble.
If previously good hair of a person becomes dry, lusterless and brittle, it indicates deficiency of proteins.

Much powder and flakes develop in the hair due to dandruff.  White scaly patches with associated itching may be present in the scalp if there is a fungal infection.

Puffiness over the face and eyes, more in the morning can be due to protein deficiency, urinary tract infections and also kidney failure. This is different from the bogginess below the eyes which develops after middle years and is more accentuated in alcoholics.

Loss of the normal rich red color of the conjunctiva (protective membrane of the eyes located below eyelids and around sclera) and subsequent pallor signify deficiency of hemoglobin in the body i.e. anemia.

An individual can stand in front of the mirror and check this for him or herself, just by opening the eyes with a finger and thumb. The pallor will be visible clearly in contrast to the red color which used to be seen earlier.

A yellow discoloration of the sclera (white colored area around the eye globe), indicates some problem with the liver and biliary system, i.e. system for transporting bile i.e. used for digestion of fats.

A chronic smoker can be easily identified by blackish discoloration of finger tips, lips and tongue. Further as the lungs get damaged due to smoking, one can develop bluish discoloration of the lips and tongue because of chronic oxygen deficiency.

Nails are yet another part of the body which give vital information about a person’s general health. Brittle nails which break easily are due to nutritional deficiencies. Spoon shaped nails indicate anemia due to iron deficiency.  In renal failure, striped markings form on the nail.

In chronic  bronchitis which occurs due to chronic smoking, or occupational exposure as in mine workers  and cultivators, swelling develops at edge of fingers and nails develop a parrot beak  like protrusion, which is technically called’ clubbing”.

Swelling on the feet can be due to many causes. Heart failure, liver or kidney failure, hypothyroidism, severe protein malnutrition, all these conditions can lead to swelling or edema over the feet and subsequently generalized edema over the body.

Local injuries or infection in the feet or around in the legs also lead to pedal swelling.
Fungal infection of the feet can be easily identified by white discoloration between the toes which is associated with intense itching. 

Scaling and excess dryness of hands and sole of feet are also suggestive of fungal infection.
Of course when a person has any of these signs, a physician will do the appropriate tests and pin point the exact cause out of the likely causes for that condition.

Management of the disease subsequently depends on the exact underlying cause of the visible physical signs
But a person who is vigilant enough to observe any such sign in the early stages and has some awareness regarding it, can help in detecting the disease early and get it nipped in the bud.