
Going Solo on Valentine’s DayIf you’re anything like me, you’ll be spending Valentine’s Day night curled up in bed, reading a book or watching a movieIf you are single, then Valentine’s Day may not be the greatest time of the year for you. Seeing other people celebrating their love can make one envious. However, don’t knock yourself down, after all you’re not alone, there’s a lot you can do to lift your sagging spirits.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Going Solo on Valentine’s Day

If you’re anything like me, you’ll be spending Valentine’s Day night curled up in bed, reading a book or watching a movie

If you are single, then Valentine’s Day may not be the greatest time of the year for you. Seeing other people celebrating their love can make one envious. However, don’t knock yourself down, after all you’re not alone, there’s a lot you can do to lift your sagging spirits.

There are plenty of ways to spend Valentine’s Day if you’re single and still have a good time. You don’t have to resort to calling an ex-girlfriend to feel "normal” on this day.

Now that this valentine is going to fall on a Monday, so, no doubt you’re going to spend the day at work or school; in the evening you can indulge on things that will make you feel great, like a massage or a great dinner with friends who are also single and looking to have a good time.

Valentine’s Day is about love and thanks, but it’s not necessarily limited to a girlfriend. Go out of your way and do something nice to show your appreciation for a friend, a family member or a co-worker who has really been there for you.

You can also organize an evening out with somebody who has been there for you all year. Go to a health spa, get a massage or check out the new restaurant you’ve always wanted to try. (Don’t go out alone; you don’t want to leave images of a dude sitting like a loser all by himself in a restaurant.)

Pamper yourself, after it’s really hard to love others without loving yourself first, do what you enjoy doing most and feel good about yourself

Invite all your single friends or those whose dates are unavailable, and have a bash at your bachelor home. Get some drinks; play loud music, crucify that damn Cupid for not doing his job.

If you’re invited to a party, then go. No one said that you couldn’t participate in Valentine’s Day activities if you don’t have a Valentine. Who knows, you might meet there someone you will celebrate next year’s Valentine’s with.
If you’ve had a hard day at work and just feel like kicking back and lounging at home, then bring home all those movies that you’ve always wanted to watch but never had the chance to.

Lastly, you can pretend to hate it! If anyone asks you about your plans for Valentines Day just shrug your shoulders and say, "Valentine’s Day is really no different from any other day, and it’s simply another commercial holiday”.

But if you don’t want to spend the next Valentine’s Day alone, then think about how to avoid becoming an eternal bachelor.
