Illegal operators tainting our image - Motorcyclists

The Federation of Rwanda Commuter Taxi Motorcyclists (FERWACOTAMO) has blamed illegal operators for the tainted image of their association.Police have impounded hundreds of motorcycles in a crackdown on illegal operations.

Saturday, February 12, 2011
Taxi Moto operators in Kigali City. Authorities have blamed the recent crackdown on illegal operators (File Photo)

The Federation of Rwanda Commuter Taxi Motorcyclists (FERWACOTAMO) has blamed illegal operators for the tainted image of their association.

Police have impounded hundreds of motorcycles in a crackdown on illegal operations.

The federation’s chairman, Simon Urimubenshi, yesterday apportioned the blame after extensive consultations with the Police, following the crackdown.

"We were called to meet the Police in a meeting attended by both the Commissioner General of Police and the Traffic Police Chief,” said Urimubenshi. 

During the meeting, the chairman said, they were told that the exercise was undertaken following a series of incidents in which motorcyclists with no driving licenses were involved. Hygiene was another issue raised during the meeting.

"The majority of those with no permits are not our members,” Urimubenshi said.

"We cannot deny the fact that some of our members give little attention to cleanliness, but passengers should refrain from boarding motorcycles whose riders are dirty.”

He disclosed that there are some initiatives to boost the professionalism of the sector, including a contract with East Africa Cooperative to provide new helmets.
Urimubenshi disclosed that Tigo Rwanda, had signed an agreement to supply the association with new uniforms (jackets).

He also added that they are currently working with the Police to screen those whose motorcycles were impounded.

"We are calling upon all those who operate illegally to come to us. We shall assist them in acquiring permits through our cooperation with the Traffic Police,” he said.
