Sailing solo on Valentines Day

Valentine’s Day is a couple’s day. They exchange flowers, chocolates and cards bearing the phrases, “I Love You,” “Hug Me,” and “Be Mine.”  But what about those people who aren’t in any relationship? What are they supposed to do when their coupled friends are out soaking up the love? Wallowing in self-pity over lost loves? 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Valentine’s Day is a couple’s day. They exchange flowers, chocolates and cards bearing the phrases, "I Love You,” "Hug Me,” and "Be Mine.”

But what about those people who aren’t in any relationship? What are they supposed to do when their coupled friends are out soaking up the love? Wallowing in self-pity over lost loves? 

When V-Day comes around, those unattached tend to feel a little abandoned. But today the good news is, even if you’re single, you can still smile and do something to cheer yourself up and celebrate. Here are some ideas to get you started.

Remember that love is more than just being a couple. Sure it’s nice to be with someone special, but if you’re not, it doesn’t mean you don’t have loving relationships. So this Valentine’s Day pay tribute to love. Since you aren’t spending money on a guy/girl, spend it on yourself. Treat yourself to a manicure, pedicure or go for that much needed massage! Do something special for yourself. That way, you’ll feel that you are celebrated.

There is also nothing wrong with a single guy or single girl going out to a dinner at a restaurant or bar by themselves, people do that all the time. Just enjoy it and don’t worry what others may be thinking. They’re probably thinking that it’s nice to see someone out enjoying themselves, and wishing they were brave enough to do it.

Think about what would make you feel good on this day. You can choose to surprise a lonely neighbour with a valentine present, or decide to fix yourself a nice dinner.
Head out with a friend to a bar or restaurant you’ve always wanted to try. Or choose a cozy café. Go out at lunchtime if you prefer, so you don’t feel sorry for yourself in the evening, when the cooing "dating” crowd is out and about.

Have a movie night at home or a party with other single friends. Just hang out with the people who matter to you and who appreciate you. Just remember it’s healthy to take care of oneself, even if done alone. If the single guy has no one to love at this time of the year, the least he can do is love himself. Consider it training for a future mate. After all, a man can’t take care of anyone unless he can take care of himself first.

Remind yourself that many couples are unhappy. Did you ever stop to think that a lot of these guys and girls out during the holiday may have lots of problems? Just because they’re eating a meal together on February 14, doesn’t mean they’re happier than you.

Enjoy yourself. No matter what you do on this day - or any day for that matter - always enjoy yourself. You may not have that "other half” that attached people have, but does that mean your life is any less fabulous? No way. To each their own, and love your life.

Lastly, if you feel none of the above ideas works for you, then how about trying to forget what day it is? Hide the calendar or flip it to March. Or you can catch a plane to Finland where you can celebrate Singles Awareness Day (SAD) instead. Meant as an alternative to Valentine’s Day, the holiday is for single people to celebrate or to commiserate in their single status. A common greeting on this day is "Happy SAD!”