RAF to issue athletics licenses

The Athletics Federation, RAF, has unveiled plans to give athletes their first licenses starting this year.

Friday, February 15, 2008

The Athletics Federation, RAF, has unveiled plans to give athletes their first licenses starting this year.

"The license will help the federation to identify athletes’ clubs, minimize transfer problems and establish the number of athletes in country,” said Alphonse Manirarora, the federation’s permanent secretary.

Although the transfer law is still under study by the RAF technical commission, Manirarora said that the licenses that cost Frw 300 will be issued out to only those clubs that have over the years paid their annual federation fee of Frw 50.000.

APR, Police, Rwanda National University (UNR), Kamonyi, Burera and New Athletics Stars (NAS) are the first clubs to get the licenses that will not have age restrictions.

The development is part of the federation’s five years strategic plan aimed at stepping up the sport by 2012.
