Police set ablaze Rwf 1.4 million worth of impounded drugs

Rusizi/Musanze -  As part of the one-week anti-drug campaign, 29 kilograms of cannabis sativa with an estimated street value of Rwf 1.45  million were on Wednesday set ablaze in Kamembe Sector, Rusizi district. Meanwhile in Musanze local leaders have been reminded about  preventing  the production and trafficking of drugs within society as part of the on going anti drug campaigns.

Friday, February 11, 2011
Security officials preparing to set ablaze the impounded drugs.(Photo L. Nakayima)

Rusizi/Musanze -  As part of the one-week anti-drug campaign, 29 kilograms of cannabis sativa with an estimated street value of Rwf 1.45  million were on Wednesday set ablaze in Kamembe Sector, Rusizi district.

Meanwhile in Musanze local leaders have been reminded about  preventing  the production and trafficking of drugs within society as part of the on going anti drug campaigns.
In Rusizi the drugs were impounded from local residents while being smuggled to Kigali, according to Police.

Superintendent Innocent Semigabo, the District Police Officer, said police are working closely with local community policing committees, to ensure that Rusizi ceases to be used as transit route for such drugs.

"The police have also set up anti-drug clubs in each secondary school as part of the process aimed at checking on the dangers of such drugs,” he said.

He added that they have organised a march on Saturday to raise awareness in the area against the menace. Gilbert Rukazambuga, the executive secretary of Kamembe Sector, observed that some people abuse drugs out of ignorance.
The concerted call for more action by local leaders in Musanze was made by the Governor of Northern Province, Aime Bosenibamwe.

Commenting about the Anti drug Abuse week, Bosenibamwe, observed that whereas there is political will, there is still need for deliberations at the regional levels on how best to enforce the law banning manufacture and drug trafficking across the country in the region.

"There should be harmonization of drug related penalties across the region for ease of curbing the problem such that the security organs and the local leaders can jointly work together to track the traffickers. For instance once harmonization has been done it then becomes much easier for  the affected districts and sectors to  partner at the cross border level to share information about such problems,’’ Bosenibamwe said.

As part of the week long activities aimed at raising awareness on banned drugs, schools were advised to start Anti Drugs Abuse clubs to spearhead the campaign against the menace in schools.

"The Anti Drugs clubs will draw together students and teachers to discuss the problems of drug abuse including identify particular students involved, and share information about people involved in the activity,’’  Fidele Nkurikiyinka, Director of Muhoza 11, Secondary School said.  

Illegal drugs especially Cannabis, banned local brews like chief waragi, Kanyanga, Suzi, are manufactured in neighboring countries, especially Uganda and D R Congo.

The consignment is then allegedly smuggled to Rwanda through porous borders in Burera district and the Volcanoes Park.
