Police officer in Rutsiro denies rape charges

KARONGI - A police officer in Rutsiro District might have been falsely accused of rape because of unearthing a corruption scandal.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

KARONGI - A police officer in Rutsiro District might have been falsely accused of rape because of unearthing a corruption scandal.

Former Intelligence Officer (IO) Gaspard Rwegeranya identified suspects involved in the case in which out-going mayor Jean Ndimubahire was named as an accomplice.

The funds embezzled amount to over Rwf3.5million and were meant for youth empowerment programmes in the district.

Police officer Rwegeranya appeared before court on Monday where he denied the rape charges against him.
"I spend a month in jail under false accusations and now I request you to set me free,” Rwegeranya told the presiding judge Adolphe Udahemuka in a fully packed court room.

In a telephone interview, Charles Kaliwabo, the High Court spokesperson could not rule out false accusations.

He said: "If it’s true that Rwegeranya was involved in identifying the suspects in the corruption scandal, then the case will speak for its self and it will be solved.”
