Corrupt court officials warnedverdicts

Gicumbi - Corrupt court officials undermine the credibility of judicial institutions and they should be exposed, threatened the president of Gicumbi Court of Higher Instance, Leonidas Badara.

Thursday, February 10, 2011
Judicial officials and residents listen to speeches during the launch of anti-corruption week in courts. (Photo by A.Gahene)

Gicumbi - Corrupt court officials undermine the credibility of judicial institutions and they should be exposed, threatened the president of Gicumbi Court of Higher Instance, Leonidas Badara.

He made the remarks while addressing court officials, practicing lawyers and residents during the official launch of the anti-corruption courts’ week., themed "The Court: A corruption free square.”

Badara encouraged residents to report corrupt court officials, adding that Rwandan laws provide a 10 percent reward on embezzled funds, to whoever exposes corrupt public officers.

He cited monetary bribery, nepotism and the habit of providing material gifts to public officials in appreciation of services rendered.

"Corruption leads to bad governance, where residents lose confidence in their leaders and also creates poverty to those who dish out bribes to public officials, for services they are entitled to,” Badara said.

Residents who turned up for the launch ceremony blamed some Sector executive secretaries, for undermining court
Corrupt court officials warnedverdicts.

"Some sector executive secretaries, who are mandated to enforce court judgments in cases related to land disputes, do not do it unless they receive a kick back,” complained Leonidas Muhashi, a resident of Byumba Sector.

Others grumbled about court officials, who keep postponing the hearing of cases.

Leonila Uwimana, Kageyo Sector resident lamented: "These Court officials play delaying tactics, in order to extract bribes from residents with burning problems.”
