Man murders wife, commits suicide

A resident of Kanama Sector in Rubavu Sector, on Tuesday evening, stunned the entire village when he stabbed his wife to death, before poisoning himself to death. According to accounts from area residents, Jean Bosco Ntawumenyumunsi, 34, killed his wife over allegations of infidelity.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A resident of Kanama Sector in Rubavu Sector, on Tuesday evening, stunned the entire village when he stabbed his wife to death, before poisoning himself to death.

According to accounts from area residents, Jean Bosco Ntawumenyumunsi, 34, killed his wife over allegations of infidelity.

Ntawumenyumunsi, a father of four, returned home drunk and upon seeing his wife, stabbed her to death, allegedly for having extra marital affairs with other men in the neighbourhood.

"We were shocked by what he did because they never had any brawl that day although there were rumours that the wife could be cheating and we suspect it could have led to the killings,” said Henri Mugisha, the Executive Secretary of Kanama Sector.

"On the fateful day, Ntawumenyumunsi spent the whole day drinking at the trading centre where it is suspected he bought a poisonous substance that he took immediately after killing his wife,” added Mugisha.

Mugisha said that the husband’s family believed that their daughter-in-law had been cheating on her husband though there was no evidence.

"We encourage people to always report domestic conflicts to authorities before it’s too lat,e and people should drink responsibly,”  Mugisha advised.    
