Joint efforts will curb drug abuse - Mitali

The Minister of Youth, Protais Mitali, has called upon the general public to collectively wage war against drug abuse among the youth. Speaking to The New Times yesterday, the minister said there was no other effective way to fight harmful drugs in the country, other than combining efforts to ensure that the vice is eradicated and put an end to trafficking of the drugs into the country.

Thursday, February 10, 2011
Youth Minister Protais Mitali

The Minister of Youth, Protais Mitali, has called upon the general public to collectively wage war against drug abuse among the youth.

Speaking to The New Times yesterday, the minister said there was no other effective way to fight harmful drugs in the country, other than combining efforts to ensure that the vice is eradicated and put an end to trafficking of the drugs into the country.

"We need to first invest in good moral education for our children. The morals should be inculcated into the children by their parents, right from a tender age,” Mitali said.
According to the minister, the country cannot realize its development goals if the youth are involved and affected by drug use.

He urged local leaders to openly disclose drug dealers, whom he said pose a very big threat to the society.
According to Mitali, the ongoing anti-drugs week is aimed at sensitizing and mobilizing the youth and the general public against the use of drugs.

The week which has seen senior government officials join anti-drug crusades across the country, will be concluded on Saturday, February 12, at Kimisagara Youth Centre.
