Burundi’s instability can be reversed

Dear editor, Burundi has been rocked by political and social instabilities in the recent years. However; decentralisation could be one of the ways should adopt to address issues of governance and equitable distribution of resources.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Dear editor,

Burundi has been rocked by political and social instabilities in the recent years. However; decentralisation could be one of the ways should adopt to address issues of governance and equitable distribution of resources.

This country is still grappling with insecurity in some parts due to long periods of political instability because after the wars, some people remained their ammunitions.

Apart from divisionism, Burundi has land disputes between returnees and established citizens and this has not only caused tension among resident but also derailed the country’s stability and peace process especially in rural areas.

Decentralization enables citizens to participate in their own development hence achieving social and economic transformation for all the capacity to decide on what programmes best suits their situation.

I therefore advise Burundi government to borrow a leaf from Rwanda’s decentralized system that has achieved incredible results.
