Kigali sewage treatment plant to be ready next year

The Director of Media and Communication in Kigali City Council (KCC), Bruno Rangira, has revealed that the city will have a central sewage treatment plant mid next year. Rangira stated that the architectural design for the plant, to be established at Giti Kinyoni in Nyarugenge District, is ready.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

The Director of Media and Communication in Kigali City Council (KCC), Bruno Rangira, has revealed that the city will have a central sewage treatment plant mid next year.

Rangira stated that the architectural design for the plant, to be established at Giti Kinyoni in Nyarugenge District, is ready.

"We are now looking for investors,” Rangira said in an interview. He added that, so far, China CAMC Engineering Group, a Chinese consortium and the European Investment Bank (EIB) have shown interest to invest in the plant.

According to the Kigali City Master Plan, all facilities, including those approved by Kigali City Construction One-Stop Centre, will have to have their own sewage systems. Rangira said that eventually "they will all be connected to the central sewage treatment plant.”

"In the short term all investors have to construct their small private treatment system for each facility,” Rangira said.

The central sewage treatment plant will be privately owned. Rangira explained that owners of buildings will have to pay a fee once their sewage system is connected to the central one

He informed The New Times that they (Kigali city) have discusses the issue with potential investors.

The cost of every treatment plant in each facility is estimated at five percent of the total cost of the project. "Connecting sewage systems to the central one is seen as cost effective,” he said.
