Woman arrested for killing own child

Police in Gasabo District arrested a woman in connection with the murder of her son. According to Godfrey Karamuzi, the Executive Secretary of Nduba Sector, Speciose Mukankiko, 41, was arrested, Monday, morning, for allegedly murdering her 11-year-old son identified as Emmanuel Niyomahoro.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011
Speciose Mukankiko who was arrested over the murder of her son

Police in Gasabo District arrested a woman in connection with the murder of her son. According to Godfrey Karamuzi, the Executive Secretary of Nduba Sector, Speciose Mukankiko, 41, was arrested, Monday, morning, for allegedly murdering her 11-year-old son identified as Emmanuel Niyomahoro.

The deceased was in primary five.
According to Karamuzi, the suspect beat up the son, then tied a rope around his neck and hanged him on a mango tree in the compound, to make it appear to be a suicide.

"Mukankiko killed him using a big club and her neighbours say that she first turned up the volume of her radio before beating her son up,” Karamuzi said.

He added that she confessed to killing her son, saying he was disobedient.

However, the neighbours said that the mother may have killed her son, after he threatened to tell his father how she brought other men to the house.
The boy’s father is serving a sentence in Remera prison.
