Ghanaian Finance Minister and former RRA boss tour Tax office

KIGALI - Ghana’s Minister of Finance, Kwabena Duffuor,. Accompanied by the former Commissioner General of Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA), Edward Larbi-Siaw, yesterday, toured the tax body’s head office where they were impressed by various systems, including the call centre and the queue management system.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011
RRA Commissioner General, Mary Baine (L), with Ghanau2019s Finance Minister, Kwabena Duffuor, during a tour of Rwanda Revenue Authority, yesterday. Following closely is RRAu2019s former Commissioner General, Edward Larbi-Siaw and Deputy Commisioner, Ben Kagarama

KIGALI - Ghana’s Minister of Finance, Kwabena Duffuor,. Accompanied by the former Commissioner General of Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA), Edward Larbi-Siaw, yesterday, toured the tax body’s head office where they were impressed by various systems, including the call centre and the queue management system.

Larbi-Siaw, is currently the Tax Policy Adviser at the Ministry of Finance in Ghana. The two are in the country to attend the two-day African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) summit that kicks-off today.

"Ghana Revenue Authority upgraded its systems in September last year; whereas we are informed that Rwanda’s tax system has been upgraded for a long time now. This is an area where we can borrow and learn from each other on how to improve the management of taxpayers’ money,” Larbi-Siaw said in an interview.

The Commissioner General of RRA, Mary Baine, said that the three-month old queue management system replaced the inefficient manual way of handling clients, whereby many queued for hours to access RRA services.

"The automated queue management system has made it possible for us to receive and efficiently serve tax payers efficiently,” Baine said.

"In addition, the toll free call centre has aided us to centralize and respond to queries from our clients in a professional manner.”

The team also visited the National Bank of Rwanda and the Ministry of Finance where they met with Minister John Rwangombwa.

Larbi-Siaw headed RRA at its inception in 1998, when it was set up as the central body for tax collection and for enforcement of laws relating to national revenues.
