City district Mayors to seek re-election

The Mayors of the three districts in Kigali City; Nyarugenge, Gasabo and Kicukiro, have confirmed that they will stand for the second term in office. Speaking to The New Times in a phone interview, the trio, whose first term of office expired at the end of January, said that they are currently vying for the councillorship posts in their respective sectors of residence.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Willy Ndizeye

The Mayors of the three districts in Kigali City; Nyarugenge, Gasabo and Kicukiro, have confirmed that they will stand for the second term in office.

Speaking to The New Times in a phone interview, the trio, whose first term of office expired at the end of January, said that they are currently vying for the councillorship posts in their respective sectors of residence.

Mayors are elected from councillors through electoral colleges composed of the sector and district Advisory Councils.

The councillors will be elected by the general electorate on February 21 and these will meet on February 25 to select the mayors amongst themselves.

Willy Ndizeye of Gasabo, who has only been in office for one year, said; "I am now in the race for the councillor for Rutunga Sector and if I go through I will vie for mayor of Gasabo because I have the will and ability.”.

Ndizeye who previously served as Gasabo vice mayor in charge of finance and economic development, was elected mayor in January last year replacing Claudine Nyinawagaga who resigned.

He took over a controversial administration amidst financial losses estimated at over Rwf 2bn which mainly emanated from questionable tendering procedures and land wrangles, to which many attributed Nyinawagaga’s resignation.
Paul Jules Ndamage of Kicukiro, who is also in the race to be re-elected councillor for Nyarugunga Sector, said that he is eying a second stint as mayor.

Ndamage was elected Mayor of Kicukiro in 2008 replacing William Ntidendereza who also resigned citing personal reasons.

In Nyarugenge, Theophila Nyirahonora who has also been in office for one year, said she has also enlisted to contest as councillor in Nyakabanda Sector and would bid for her seat.
She replaced Origene Rutayisire who also resigned.
