A day at a Child Care Centre

“Starting a Child Care Center was not easy but because I wanted to ensure the safety of my children I had to do it. My children and those of other parents, who go to work daily, can now find peace in their hearts because they know that their children are safe.” –Nana Mugemane, the founder Lilia Child Care Center.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011
The joy of playing with other children is memorable.

"Starting a Child Care Center was not easy but because I wanted to ensure the safety of my children I had to do it. My children and those of other parents, who go to work daily, can now find peace in their hearts because they know that their children are safe.” –Nana Mugemane, the founder Lilia Child Care Center.

The center can accommodate 40 children all day until their parents can come to pick them. The children enjoy each other’s company as they play and laugh together.
