Rwanda’s move to switch to digital TV is good news

Editor, News that Rwanda will  switch from analogue to digital broadcasting this year ahead of  2015 deadline is a major development.Traditional analogue broadcasting is outdated and the new digital technology comes with numerous benefits. The country has transformed almost in all sectors and the media cannot be left behind.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011


News that Rwanda will  switch from analogue to digital broadcasting this year ahead of  2015 deadline is a major development.

Traditional analogue broadcasting is outdated and the new digital technology comes with numerous benefits. The country has transformed almost in all sectors and the media cannot be left behind.

I have heard  some people complain that transfer to digital broadcasting is costly them heavily but I think, there is nothing good that comes cheaply.

I wish to commend the government for providing over $40 million to the state–owned broadcaster to buy the necessary infrastructure to enable the switch.

Winnie Mutamba