Poem- Reality

Transition It comes a time when one has to separate a little bit with their parents for the sake of education or other purposes or simply a transformation to prepare them for the next stage. Teenagers it is a transition let it not affect our well being lets us be ready for a positive change.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011


It comes a time when one has to separate a little bit with their parents for the sake of education or other purposes or simply a transformation to prepare them for the next stage. Teenagers it is a transition let it not affect our well being lets us be ready for a positive change.

It appears unreal and seems uncertain,
As it turns factual that old is gone and gone,
To some it is a source of gloom done,
To others, surprise and joy unknown.

The end of close care and the beginning of mellowness
The end of full expectations and tenderness,
Don’t be in twinge or in complain,
It is proper and valid for development.

One can’t be a child for long, cope,
With time a realization and joy will be experienced,
Within the cords of independence and own ability,
Accept it young man, take responsibility.

Whether tremendous or too many expectation,
Take up the challenge and stop nagging,
No longer a kid but a full human being,
Be ready for a positive transition.
