High voter turn out reflects entrenched democracy

The first round of local government elections that were held on Friday saw a 95 percent voter turnout according to the National Electoral Commission. The youth are reported to have constituted the majority of the voters turning out to choose their leaders at the grassroots. Thispoints to a bright future for Rwanda’s democracy as the future lies with the youth.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

The first round of local government elections that were held on Friday saw a 95 percent voter turnout according to the National Electoral Commission. The youth are reported to have constituted the majority of the voters turning out to choose their leaders at the grassroots. Thispoints to a bright future for Rwanda’s democracy as the future lies with the youth.

The current election cycle is a continuation of the democratization process that has taken root in the country. Rwandans, unlike in the past, are able to choose leaders who govern them. By turning out in large numbers, they are demonstrating a high level of confidence in their electoral system and democratic process.

Turning out in such large numbers is a sign of patriotism, embracing civic responsibilities and understanding that the destiny of the nation is in their hands. Above all, it confirms that Rwandans have achieved a high level of political maturity.

It is those with the best ideas and capacity to implement development programmes that will emerge as leaders of the people at whatever level across the country. This is the kind of politics that is constructive and a departure from the ways of the past.

Such a level of political maturity is commendable and the organizers of such successful elections deserve a pat on the back. Nevertheless, these are hard earned gains that took sacrifice and perseverance to achieve. They are worth safeguarding jealously by all Rwandans.
