The i-Generation

I have long shunned the frenzied adoption of new technology especially when it picks up with the bandwagon, talk of the social network bug of my space, facebook, twitter and the likes, but I eventually give way, like I had to with facebook.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

I have long shunned the frenzied adoption of new technology especially when it picks up with the bandwagon, talk of the social network bug of my space, facebook, twitter and the likes, but I eventually give way, like I had to with facebook.

One such affliction of my generation is the i-gadgets, the likes of the iPhone, the iPad, the iPod, which I religiously thought was for wannabes who would like to swig a huge tablet of a phone, with a touch screen and lots of crazy music that they least understand.

Once such a gadget landed into my hands as a freebie from a commercial partner and indeed the sleekness of the technology grew onto me, but for just a few days. Well, until a few days ago.

For all my dislike for i-gadgets, I have constantly been fascinated by the success story of Apple, the maker of the gadgets and its inspiration founder Steve Jobs.

I felt that nothing could beat the traditional laptop that one can play and store music, read and research anything with the near comfort of a good book, and still retain its handy advantage of a mobile office – blame it on my writing addictions.

So you can imagine the excitement that enveloped when I heard that News Corp, one of the world’s greatest media conglomerates was tying up with Apple to offer common interests newspaper on the iPad.

I can imagine the advantage of reading a newspaper and perhaps in future all papers exclusively on an iPad, without the hassles of carrying around a huge laptop, or hunching down onto a tiny mobile phone screen to read The New Times every morning.

Perhaps the tablet may also eventually replace the laptop completely.Apart from being a fashion statement, the iPad, may soon take up its place in the cutthroat technological inventions market. For those of us who live on this side of the world, the glocal world makes some of these western inventions available at the click of a button.

The essential thing is that we should be one to new ideas.
Technology is one of the biggest drivers of personal advancement and business and all is there for the taking. Each of us will have our moments of pride about what to and what not to adopt.

Some of us like to go with the flow, buy everything that everybody else is buying, join everything that is the fad, while others are picky and suffer from a slightly inflated sense of self ego, but either way technology is here to stay and the sooner one gets acquainted with good technology the better.

I wish you a techie Sunday!