Nyagatare residents brave heavy rains to vote

NYAGATARE/GATSIBO - Residents in Rwimiyaga sector in Nyagatare, residents braved heavy rain to elect village and sector committees. The heavy downpour that started in the wee hours of Friday delayed the voting process in some of the sectors in the districts of Nyagatare and Gatsibo.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

NYAGATARE/GATSIBO - Residents in Rwimiyaga sector in Nyagatare, residents braved heavy rain to elect village and sector committees.

The heavy downpour that started in the wee hours of Friday delayed the voting process in some of the sectors in the districts of Nyagatare and Gatsibo.

"We did not sleep because we wanted to democratically elect our leaders. We decided to walk through the heavy downpour because we could not wait,” Alphonse Munyentwari, one of the residents said.

At various polling sites visited by The New Times, residents started turning out to vote when the rain subsidized at around 11 a.m., four hours after the polls were set to open.

In Kageyo sector, Gatsibo district, Oswald Nyakana, the Executive Secretary said that the rain delayed the starting time of the elections but residents later turned out and elected their representatives.

"Voters delayed a bit because of the rain but they later elected in large numbers,” he said.

Speaking to the New Times, the electoral coordinator in Nyagatare District, Thomas Ruhanika, said that despite the rain, elections in all sectors of the district were completed by 3 P.M.
