Rubavu Mayor confident to retain seat

Sheikh Hassan Bahame, the Rubavu Mayor, said that he was certain he would retain his seat, attributing the confidence to the achievements recorded over the ten months he has been in office. Bahame, who took up office after the resignation of Pierre Celestin Twagirayezu, believes that due to his hard work and achievements the electorate will vote him back.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Sheikh Hassan Bahame, the Rubavu Mayor, said that he was certain he would retain his seat, attributing the confidence to the achievements recorded over the ten months he has been in office.

Bahame, who took up office after the resignation of Pierre Celestin Twagirayezu, believes that due to his hard work and achievements the electorate will vote him back.

"In the short period of time we have been here, we have once and for all solved the Gishwati forest problem that saw over 300 families moved from the forest and resettled,” said Bahame.

The 49-year old Mayor said that houses for 280 more families in Gishwati forest have been completed and will soon be resettled while over 1,000 residents who formerly lived on the landslide-prone Rubavu hill have also been relocated to safety.

He added that the masses identify with him because he closely associates with them. Bahame is known for fighting injustice, improving the road network and the promotion of human rights, which, he says, are a boost to his re-election bid.

"In the next mandate, if elected, I will carry on with earlier ambitions of developing Rubavu by installing street lights in the town, promoting hygiene and agriculture as well as eradicating Nyakatsi before the deadline,” explained Bahame.

However, he maintains that even if he lost, not, he would continue to work for the betterment of Rubavu District and the country at large.           
