Help the police to help you

Editor, I read with awe that the armed robbers who have been terrorizing the residents of Kayonza, Ngoma and Kirehe districts in the Eastern Province were finally arrested by the police this week. I wish to thank police for arresting these thugs.  But, I strongly believe that these suspects have managed to survive or elude our police for months, simply because some residents who live close to  the suspects don’t cooperate with police.

Saturday, February 05, 2011


I read with awe that the armed robbers who have been terrorizing the residents of Kayonza, Ngoma and Kirehe districts in the Eastern Province were finally arrested by the police this week.

I wish to thank police for arresting these thugs.  But, I strongly believe that these suspects have managed to survive or elude our police for months, simply because some residents who live close to  the suspects don’t cooperate with police.

If we don’t help police and indentify these wrongdoers, police will do little to protect us.
There is no way a suspect can escape without accomplices. It’s our duty to point out people we suspect to be committing crimes.

We should not wait until the robbers come to our own homes and then cry at the top of our voices.
We should act collectively and get rid of the thugs. investigations to identify people working with the criminals should be conducted.

John Mukama