Minister tours Remera Prison

KIGALI - The Minister of Internal Security, Sheikh Musa Fazil Harerimana, yesterday, visited Remera prison in Kimironko, Gasabo District, as part of his scheduled tour to all prison facilities countrywide to assess the general situation.

Friday, February 04, 2011
Internal Security Minister Musa Fazil Harerimana addressing Remera Prison inmates, yesterday (Photo T Kisambira)

KIGALI - The Minister of Internal Security, Sheikh Musa Fazil Harerimana, yesterday, visited Remera prison in Kimironko, Gasabo District, as part of his scheduled tour to all prison facilities countrywide to assess the general situation.

Harerimana, accompanied by the Commissioner General of Prisons, Mary Gahonzire, was impressed by the prison conditions at the Remera.

Addressing the inmates, the minister said that he wants to see more developmental products coming out of the facility. He acknowledged their use of environmental friendly energy.

"I appreciate the efforts you have put in to eradicate the use of firewood in the prison which was costly,” he said.
Recently, Remera Prison introduced the use of peat energy as an alternative to firewood which is not only costly, but has adverse effects on the environment.

In her speech, Gahonzire said that prisons must be correctional centres instead of detention centres, adding that they are committed to ensure basic hygienic standards in the prison.

Speaking of behalf of inmates, Michael Hitiyaremye, requested the minister to provide them with more Television screens so that they can be able to watch the news and other developmental programmes.
