Thumbs up for Rubavu residents

Dear Editor, According to The New Times dated February 12, burglary had intensified in Rubavu District, Gisenyi sector. The rate at which several residents were losing their property was alarming.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Dear Editor,

According to The New Times dated February 12, burglary had intensified in Rubavu District, Gisenyi sector. The rate at which several residents were losing their property was alarming.

It is in this regard that the Gisenyi Sector coordinator called upon residents to stand up against crimes in Gisenyi through night patrol.

So far so good and thumbs up for those residents who physically participate in night patrols as well as those that contribute a monthly amount of Frw 500 per household to motivate those who carry out the patrolling.

It has been noted that night patrols done in shifts has proved as one of the major ways of combating crimes committed at night and has greatly reduced burglary. However, I suggest that the district registers volunteers to work together with regular police or local defense officers.

They should also be provided with motorcycles, special lighting equipment as well as uniforms that suit all weather conditions. I believe motorcycles can increase accessibility during arrests of criminals.
