Lesson of patriotism from Nyange students

Editor,When I read yesterday’s New Times article titled, ‘Nyange Heroes Honoured” tears welled up my eyes — not because of the brutal killings of the innocent young girls and the guard, but due to the bravery of these young boys and girls.

Thursday, February 03, 2011
Students prepare to lay wreaths on one of the graves of heroes from Nyange Secondary School (File photo)


When I read yesterday’s New Times article titled, ‘Nyange Heroes Honoured” tears welled up my eyes — not because of the brutal killings of the innocent young girls and the guard, but due to the bravery of these young boys and girls.

They stood their ground and refused to bow to rebels’ demands to divide themselves along ethnic lines, and instead, shouted boldly ‘We are all Rwandans’, and eventually paid the ultimate price.

It was a rare sign of a spirit of unity among young Rwandans. They were not intimidated by the sight of machete and gun-wielding attackers.

During the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi, some parents killed their own children because they were born to a Tutsi mother or father. The heroic act of Nyange students should bring shame to such parents.

The Nyange students are indeed heroes of Rwanda. The six students, Sylvestre Bizimana, Chantal Mujawamahoro, Beatrice Mukambaraga, Seraphine Mukarutwaza, Helene Benimana, and Valens Ndemeye; will  always be remembered in our country as the shinning youngsters who laid down their lives for the unity of Rwandans.

Their souls will always be in my daily prayers.  You died for a cause, a cause that should not be forgotten and that is what has united millions of other Rwandan children. I know you are all in the safe hands of the Lord. Your death was not in vain.

Abdi Nasser Ali
Business Relations coordinator
Sogerep Aviation

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia