Longer hours at work is no efficiency

Dear Editor, Allow me to react to the recent proposal by Ministry of Public Service to extend working hours for civil servants, with all due respect.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Dear Editor,

Allow me to react to the recent proposal by Ministry of Public Service to extend working hours for civil servants, with all due respect.

What really matters at a job is the substance and quality of output in a given time. What also matters are the ideas that one can develop on the job.

So, creating conditions to improve both output and quality of work is probably the most important part of professional life development.

It is suffice to mention that MIFOTRA should rather focus on areas that can facilitate, reform, consolidate as well as improve the public service life with an aim of maximizing personnel output, what they create and can create in a time. It is not time per se, but what and how you do it in a given time.