Two arrested over extortion

Police in Musanze, yesterday, arrested two people, including one of the committee leaders of Kyabararika Cell in Muhoza Sector, for allegedly extorting money from residents. Emmanuel Dusabimana, who has been masquerading as a lawyer to get money from residents, along with  Jean Pierre Hatekimana who has been in charge of information in the cell, were arrested soon after receiving Rwf200,000 from one of their victims who had tipped off the police.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011
Emmanuel Dusabimana and Hatekimana J Piere after their arrest. (Photo B Mukombozi)

Police in Musanze, yesterday, arrested two people, including one of the committee leaders of Kyabararika Cell in Muhoza Sector, for allegedly extorting money from residents.

Emmanuel Dusabimana, who has been masquerading as a lawyer to get money from residents, along with  Jean Pierre Hatekimana who has been in charge of information in the cell, were arrested soon after receiving Rwf200,000 from one of their victims who had tipped off the police.

‘’He has been summoning residents on tramped up charges in order to extort money from them. At first he demanded Rwf100,000 accusing me of not having got clearance from his office to construct a house in the cell, when I refused he started harassing me,’’ Emmanuel Kalisa, who tipped the police said.

He added that last October, Hatekimana, framed a case of unpaid debt against him, although the case was later dropped due to lack of evidence.

Kalisa who has fallen victim twice to Dusabimana, alleges that a leader of  an association for the protection and promotion of domestic workers, poses as a lawyer from Haguruka - a child and women rights advocacy organization -  to extort money from women who have divorced, claiming he would help them get financial support.

Police said that the two were suspected of being ringleaders of a large clique that has been getting bribes from residents seeking services from the local administration.
