Stop misusing sidewalk

Editor, The sidewalks were constructed to ease crowding and ensure safety of pedestrians.  However, some people have converted the walk ways into conducive places to chat and have fun.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011


The sidewalks were constructed to ease crowding and ensure safety of pedestrians.  However, some people have converted the walk ways into conducive places to chat and have fun.

Sidewalks enable those in hurry to reach a given destination without having to cross heavy traffic, but if people are congesting the sidewalks, it becomes hard for pedestrians to move.

It is a request to those who are fond of this habit to try and find other places where they can sit and talk for hours. The Rwandan government has created leisure places within the roundabouts and leisure parks to facilitate these conversations.

They are more comfortable than sidewalks, let’s make use of them.
The whole issue is that, we should be in the right place doing the right thing at the right time, so as to allow others to operate comfortably and do their rounds without hussle.
Fred Mutuluza