A tale about humility

There was once a kangaroo who became an athletics champion. However, with this success he became arrogant and nasty, and he spent a lot of time making fun of others. His favorite target was a little penguin whose walk was so slow and clumsy that it often prevented him from even finishing the race.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

There was once a kangaroo who became an athletics champion. However, with this success he became arrogant and nasty, and he spent a lot of time making fun of others. His favorite target was a little penguin whose walk was so slow and clumsy that it often prevented him from even finishing the race.

One day the fox, who organized the races, let everyone know that his favourite for the next race was the poor penguin. Everyone thought it was a joke. However, the big-headed kangaroo got very angry, and he ridiculed the penguin even more than before. As a result, the penguin did not want to take part in the race, but it was a tradition that everyone had to partake of the race. The day of the race approached and the penguin stood at the starting line in a group that following the fox’s. The fox led them up the mountain, and every animal made fun of the penguin, commenting on whether he would roll down the mountain or just slide down on his fat belly.

When they reached the top of the mountain, they all shut up. The top of the mountain turned out to be a Crater Lake that was filled with water. At this point, the fox gave the starting signal, saying: "First to the other side wins”.
The excited penguin, waddled clumsily to the water’s edge and dived in. Once he was in the water, his speed was unbeatable, and he won the race by a very long distance.

Meanwhile, the kangaroo barely managed to reach the other side because he was tearful and humiliated because he had almost drowned. Although it seemed as if the penguin was waiting to make fun of the kangaroo, the penguin had learned a lot from his suffering. Instead of ridiculing the kangaroo, he offered to teach him how to swim.

The animals enjoyed the rest of the day celebrating and playing in the Crater Lake. But the one who enjoyed himself the most was the fox, who, with his cleverness, had managed to bring the kangaroo down a peg or two.

Moral of the story:

Pride is a destructive habit to all people; humility is a great character to live in peace with everyone. Living in peace is what every one needs. Now, as we celebrate heroes’ day…strive to be a hero of good character and deed.
