Is it true that everyone does have a talent? If so, why don’t many people know their talents? Previously I was asked the same question (what my talent was) and honestly I did not have an answer to that. I don’t really know what my talent is.
Is it true that everyone does have a talent? If so, why don’t many people know their talents? Previously I was asked the same question (what my talent was) and honestly I did not have an answer to that. I don’t really know what my talent is.
Dictionaries have several definitions for the word, but the most appropriate one in my view is that: Talent is a natural ability to do something so well or a person with the ability to do something so well.
After reading this, I then enquired from most of my friends about their talents and none of them knew what their talent was (Ahem... one of them said eating)
Unfortunately, some individuals commonly think that being bright in class, being a champion in sports, a comedian or being a musician or artist is when you have talent.
Reasonably, these are the most common arenas recognised by everyone. There is obviously much more than that, for instance; making friends can as well be a talent, so is convincing people, MC(ing) and a lot more. It’s just the ability to do something so well; whatever it is that you do, do it in the best way possible and you are talented.
However, the biggest challenge is discovering your talent. Here are some ways of solving this puzzle.
Seize opportunities
This is one of the main things to adopt when to start finding out your talent. Seizing each opportunity that comes along is the best way to give chance to anyone so that they can know what they do best. It involves doing more than one thing.
If you are good at playing basketball, you might as well try to play soccer when the opportunity avails itself. May be you will find out that you do one of them better than the other.
Oftentimes some people do several things excellently. I know of a good telecom engineer who is in fact a comedian at the same time. You can picture the two tasks.
This is what it means to seize opportunity when discovering your talent.
Have courage and patience
Positivity builds courage. A saying goes "If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you have to find the courage to live it”. Having courage is one of the ways to find out what you can do best. It’s not always good to be negative all the time.
If you believe you can do something even at your lowest moment, courage will always see you through. We live in a time where we are required to think big and positive. When it comes to patience, everything does not work out in the shortest possible time. Enduring is what helps us build patience.
Surround yourself with winners
If you have to learn something you like, surrounding yourself with people who are best at it is the most excellent way to discover how they do it. If someone is better than you in writing, befriend them and learn to adopt how they do it and in the long run you might become better.
So, if you need to discover your talent, try practicing the above tips and kill the curiosity of not knowing what you do best.